Photo: Middle East Concern
Ismaeil Maghrebinejad, 65, a believer in Christ for nearly 40 years, has been facing regular harassment from security forces for the entire time. His daughter believes part of the reason for his troubles is because she and her husband, now both living in the United States, are involved in ministry to Christians in Iran via the Internet.
In January 2019, Ismaeil was arrested (see this report), then further charges of apostasy were added in October. This year, on January 11th, he was convicted of "insulting Islamic sacred beliefs" and sentenced to three years in prison. In a subsequent court decision, which took place on February 27th, another conviction was added for his alleged "membership of a group hostile to the regime" -- resulting in an additional two years of imprisonment.
Please pray for Ismaeil and his family as they face these harsh sentences. May his health and strength be renewed daily, and his steadfast love for the Lord serve as a powerful witness to every person with whom he is in contact. Furthermore, pray that the Iranian authorities would be willing to abide by their constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion, and thus authorize his rightful release. Intercede on behalf of those who oppose the Gospel, in hopes of them coming to know the reality of the Risen Saviour and turn to Him in faith.