Kuwait has a relatively liberal Islamic regime. Kuwaiti citizens are nearly all Muslim, with the exception of about 100 to 200 Christians and a few Baha'i. The expatriate population includes 450,000 Christians, 400,000 Hindus and 100,000 Buddhists. The state religion is Sunni Islam, and Shariah (Islamic law) has a strong influence. Human trafficking is a major problem in the country.
Evangelism to Kuwaitis is forbidden. Kuwaitis who openly convert to Christianity face harassment and arrest, but more underground church members are making their faith public. Foreign Christians have the freedom to live and work in Kuwait, but they must worship within enclosed compounds, and no new land is being released for church buildings. Only Muslims may become citizens. House churches exist, and Bibles can be sold legally. As recently as three years ago, there were only a handful of Kuwaiti believers, but now there is a small, growing community of indigenous believers. Some are very bold in sharing their faith.