Pastor Manju, an outspoken leader and prominent advocate for Christian rights in India, pastored churches in two different villages within Chhattisgarh State. Sadly, Pastor Manju suffered a heart attack on August 28th and suddenly passed away, leaving his surviving wife, daughter and two sons grief-stricken and in a state of shock.
In 2018, the Rwandan government introduced legislation requiring churches to comply with new regulations. At the time, more than 7,000 churches were closed due to alleged health, safety and noise issues. Other restrictions banned pastors from encouraging long fasts, mandated increased financial disclosure, and required church leaders to hold a degree in theology. While thousands of churches were closed at the time, other congregations were given five years to comply with the demands.
Churches and nonprofit organizations in Nicaragua have been encountering increasing harassment from the government under the leadership of President Daniel Ortega. In recent years, dozens of religious leaders were arrested or expelled from the country and hundreds of organizations have been shut down.