Sisters' Stories


  • Hearing Delayed for Huma Younus
    Huma Younus
    Pray that Huma will soon be returned to her family.

    The concerned parents of Huma Younus, a teenage girl who was forced into marrying a Muslim man, have expressed anger after yet another delay of legal proceedings in their attempts to annul the marriage. Huma, 14, was abducted from her home on October 10th and taken 600 kilometres away where she "converted" to Islam and married her kidnapper (read more). While forcible marriage is not illegal in Pakistan, the Child Marriage Restraint Act does require permission from the guardian(s) if the person is under 18 years of age.

  • Hearings of Accused Christians Delayed
    Fatemeh (Mary) Mohammadi - Photo: Middle East Concern
    Fatemeh (Mary) Mohammadi
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    In last week's Persecution and Prayer Alert, we wrote about Mary Mohammadi who was arrested and facing abuse while incarcerated. We are thankful to report that as of February 26th, she was released on bail. Although a court hearing had been scheduled for March 2nd, it was postponed indefinitely, apparently due to concerns about the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

  • Christian Blogger Faces Abuse in Prison
    Fatemeh (Mary) Mohammadi - Photo: Middle East Concern
    Fatemeh (Mary) Mohammadi
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Fatemeh (Mary) Mohammadi, a Christian convert and outspoken critic of the oppression being experienced by the Iranian people, has had to endure imprisonment and abuse. Initially arrested in November 2017, she was sentenced to six months in prison for her "membership in proselytizing groups," as well as her participation in Christian activity and the spreading of propaganda. Although released in the spring of 2018, Mary was arrested again in July 2019 prior to being freed on bail. In December, she was unexpectedly banned from continuing her education at the Islamic Adad University.

  • Court Validates Forced Conversion Marriage
    Huma Younas
    Pray for Huma's safe rescue.

    On October 10th, 2019, a 14-year-old Christian girl named Huma Younus was kidnapped from her family's home in Zia Colony, Karachi. A few days later, her family received official conversion papers and a certificate of marriage to her kidnapper, Abdul Jabbar.

  • Rohingya Christians Deal with Aftermath of Attack
    One of the victims of the attack recovering in the hospital. - Photo: VOMC source
    One of the victims of the attack recovering in the hospital.
    Photo: VOMC source

    In last week's "Persecution & Prayer Alert," an urgent prayer request was issued for Christians who were recently attacked in a Rohingya refugee camp and the imminent forced marriage of a pastor's daughter to a Muslim man (read more). Since the previous report, more details have continued to come to light.

    The attack occurred in Kutapalong, the world's largest refugee camp. More than 20 Christian families were attacked with at least 12 people injured. A similar attack happened in May 2019 by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army who claim to be fighting for the liberation of the Rohingya. Local police insist that the ARSA is not involved and have downplayed the number of injured.

  • Urgent Prayer Needed!
    Person praying

    Please immediately stop and pray for this critical need right now as it's a very time-sensitive situation and in the process of happening as you read this.... The Voice of the Martyrs Canada has just received news that three Christian families were attacked in a Rohingya refugee camp this past week.


  • Christmastime Raid
    Christians studying the Bible - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Pray that Turkmen believers will have opportunities to share God’s truths.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    A group of women who gathered on December 26th had their worship time disrupted by a police raid. The home was searched and cell-phones were confiscated. The women were forced to give legal statements and have their photos and fingerprints taken. At last report, no fines had been levied.

    Though other faith groups have faced harassment throughout the year, this is the only known raid of Protestant Christians in 2019. Even so, the country's leaders maintain tight controls on freedom of belief, allowing only approved activities and religious literature. Any sharing of one's faith is banned and punishable. More information on the persecution of Christians in Turkmenistan is available here.

  • Women Imprisoned for Collecting Offerings
    House church in China
    Please continue to stand with our
    brothers and sisters in China
    Photo: ChinaAid

    The pastor of a house church in China's Hubei province, along with two other women from the church, are facing charges of fraud because they collected offering money for their church. Officials claim that the church is illegal and its pastor does not have a legal ordination; therefore, they allege the money was collected fraudulently. The pastor, Hao Zhiwei, could face more than 10 years in prison if convicted.

  • Pastor Wang Yi Sentenced to Nine Years
    Pastor Wang Yi and his wife, Jiang Rong - Photo: ChinaAid
    Pastor Wang Yi and his wife, Jiang Rong
    Photo: ChinaAid

    In what is believed to be the longest sentence against a house church leader in more than a decade, Pastor Wang Yi of the Early Rain Covenant Church was sentenced to nine years in prison for "inciting to subvert state power" and "illegal business operations." The charges for business operations relate to the printing and distribution of Christian books by the church.

  • Three Pastors Sentenced
    New Life Church property in Almaty - Photo: Ivan Kryukov
    New Life Church property in Almaty
    Photo: Ivan Kryukov (cc)

    Three self-exiled pastors have been sentenced to terms up to five years for leading the New Life Pentecostal Church in the city of Almaty. The sentences were announced on November 1st, when the court rejected their latest appeal. The founding pastor, Maxim Maximov, faces five years in prison, while his wife Larisa Maximova, and ministry colleague Sergei Zaikin, each face four years. All three pastors intend to appeal the conviction at the Supreme Court.