Photo: Christians True Spirit
On September 12th, 16-year-old Diya Iftikhar was abducted from her family's home by three men who are well-known for their opposition to Christians. In a video message to her parents four days later, Diya stated that she had converted to Islam and married Ghazaal Jutt, one of her kidnappers. (Review a previous report.)
Thanks to the assistance of a Christian organization, Diya's parents were able to file a court petition requesting the custody of their daughter. When the judge noticed Diya's anxiety and fear during the October 24th hearing at the Jaranwala Sessions Court, all other civilians were ordered to vacate the courtroom. Once she was alone, the young teen was able to tell the court that she had been converted and married against her will, and that she wished to return to her family. Consequently, custody was awarded to Diya's parents.
After the court ruling, Diya and her parents were escorted from the court by police due to concerns that they could be attacked. Since the victim and her abductors live in the same village, the family may need to move to a safe house for their protection.
Kidnappings of this kind are far too common in Pakistan. Asher Sarfraz from Christians True Spirit described the situation by stating, "Diya is one of the few girls who gathered the courage to expose their abductors in court." Additionally, even when these types of cases go to court, judges frequently ignore evidence and documentation.
Pakistan is one of several nations in which Christian women and girls experience added persecution and violence. This year's International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church – which is scheduled for this Sunday, November 3rd – will be focusing on the plight of women and girls who often silently endure great hardships for the name of Christ. To receive more information about this upcoming event, visit IDOP.ca.
Praise God that the judge overseeing Diya's case was able to perceive her plight and provide greatly needed rescue from her abductors, making it possible for this teenage girl to be safely reunited with her parents. As Diya and her family now recover from the trauma of the ordeal, ask our compassionate Lord to minister His healing, peace and restoration in each of their lives. Pray also that necessary measures will be taken to protect the members of this family from Diya's captors and any other hostile members of their community.